.....Water for a Changing World....
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August 06, 2007

Go to JINJU with KAIST's student

*****August/03 & 04 -2007*****
This day is a beautiful day, everything is already. We started at 9:00 Am and went to Jinju by my professor's car.

at 2:15 pm, we arrived Jinju. this is Our hotel

Receive and check.......our room (uhm....this room seem ok.......)

ouside the temple

inside the temple

the temperature was 35oC, so....hot.....

my professor......was tired

said something before.....drinking...heee KAIST's student.............dancing

after drinking, professor and student........song

Can you guess..............the meaning of these words

shaving..............lottery ticket I want to play.................also

finish the tour on ..............the top of mountain with KAIST's student