.....Water for a Changing World....
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November 24, 2007


  1. Recycling of poor quality urban wastewater by drip irrigation systems. A. Capra and B. Scicolone. Journal of Cleaner Production. November 2007. PDF (281 K)
  2. Removal of antibiotics in conventional and advanced wastewater treatment: Implications for environmental discharge and wastewater recycling. A.J. Watkinson et al., Water Research. October 2007. PDF (383 K)
  3. Possibilities of rainwater utilisation in densely populated areas including precipitation runoffs from traffic surfaces. Erwin Nolde. Desalination. 5 September 2007. PDF (1068 K)
  4. Rising demand for fresh water drives recycling systems market. Membrane Technology. September 2007. PDF (50 K)
  5. Effects of wastewater recycling from natural rubber smoked sheet production on economic crops in southern Thailand. Chaiprapat and S. Sdoodee. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. September 2007. PDF (330 K)
  6. Establishing components of community satisfaction with recycled water use through a structural equation model. Anna Hurlimann et al., Journal of Environmental Management. Available online 27 July 2007. PDF (242 K)
  7. A holistic framework for design of cost-effective minimum water utilization network. S.R. Wan Alwi et al., Journal of Environmental Management. Available online 20 April 2007. PDF (1070 K)
  8. Membrane filtration technologies tackle water reuse and purification. Membrane Technology. January 2007. PDF (94 K)
  9. Recycling industrial saline wastewater for landscape irrigation in a desert urban area. V.J. Gerhart et al., Journal of Arid Environments. November 2006. PDF (226 K)
  10. Wastewater treatment in dairy industries — possibility of reuse. Baisali Sarkar et al., Desalination. 5 August 2006. PDF (264 K)
  11. Water reuse in a shrimp processing line: Safety considerations using a HACCP approach. Sandra Casani et al., Food Control. July 2006. PDF (204 K)
  12. Water shortage drives recycling and reuse markets around the world. Membrane Technology. June 2006. PDF (84 K)
  13. Water recycling from mixed chromic acid waste effluents by membrane technology. Ines Frenzel et al., Separation and Purification Technology. 1 April 2006. PDF (446 K)
  14. Reuse of effluent water—benefits and risks. Simon Toze. Agricultural Water Management. 24 February 2006. PDF (132 K)
  15. Water reuse and health risks — real vs. perceived. S. Toze. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (206 K)
  16. Operator experience with recycling in Australia. M.H. Muston and A. Wille. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (169 K)
  17. Integrated concepts in water reuse: managing global water needs. G. Wade Miller. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (391 K)
  18. Assessing supply risks of recycled water allocation strategies. Joel Stewart. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (361 K)
  19. Drivers for wastewater reuse: regional analysis in the Czech Republic. B. Janosova et al., Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (1580 K)
  20. Recycled water—case study: BlueScope Steel, Port Kembla Steelworks. W. Hird. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (1212 K)
  21. Urban greywater reuse at the D'LUX Development. Murray Goddard. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (206 K)
  22. Stakeholder communications for successful water reuse operations. S.J. Khan and L.E. Gerrard. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (286 K)
  23. Challenges in understanding public responses and providing effective public consultation on water reuse. S. Russell and G. Hampton. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (291 K)
  24. Membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment and reuse. T. Melin et al., Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (349 K)
  25. Water reuse: A successful almost zero discharge case. R.M.B. Alves et al., Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2006. PDF (337 K)
  26. Purification of pulp and paper wastewater, with membrane technology, for water reuse in a closed loop. M. Pizzichini, C. Russo and C. Di Meo. Desalination. 10 July 2005. PDF (889 K)
  27. Reuse of a treated red mud bauxite waste: studies on environmental compatibility. Claudia Brunori et al., Journal of Hazardous Materials. 14 January 2005. PDF (279 K)
  28. Treatment and recycling of textile wastewater —case study and development of a recycling concept. P. Schoeberl et al., Desalination. 10 January 2005. PDF (1238 K)
  29. Reclaimed water as an alternative source of water for the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Akpofure E. Taigbenu and Mthokozisi Ncube. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2005. PDF (135 K)
  30. Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. N. K. Saha et al., Resources, Conservation and Recycling. January 2005. PDF (119 K)
  31. Desalination and biological wastewater treatment process. A. Benzaoui and A. Bouabdallah. Desalination. 15 August 2004. PDF (767 K)
  32. Water resources management in Crete (Greece) including water recycling and reuse and proposed quality criteria. K. P. Tsagarakis et al., Agricultural Water Management. 1 April 2004. PDF (170 K)
  33. A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse system. Weizhen Lu and Andrew Y. T. Leung. Chemosphere. September 2003.PDF (692 K)
  34. Greywater reuse: towards sustainable water management. Odeh R. Al-Jayyousi. Desalination. 1 August 2003. PDF (1147 K)
  35. A feasibility study on the treatment and recycling of a wastewater from metal plating. Jian-Jun Qin et al., Journal of Membrane Science. 1 October 2002. PDF (112 K)

**NOTE: Some papers only show Abstract, if you want to get PDF files please contact with me: anammox81@yahoo.com