- Recycling of poor quality urban wastewater by drip irrigation systems. A. Capra and B. Scicolone. Journal of Cleaner Production. November 2007. PDF (281 K)
- Removal of antibiotics in conventional and advanced wastewater treatment: Implications for environmental discharge and wastewater recycling. A.J. Watkinson et al., Water Research. October 2007. PDF (383 K)
- Possibilities of rainwater utilisation in densely populated areas including precipitation runoffs from traffic surfaces. Erwin Nolde. Desalination. 5 September 2007. PDF (1068 K)
- Rising demand for fresh water drives recycling systems market. Membrane Technology. September 2007. PDF (50 K)
- Effects of wastewater recycling from natural rubber smoked sheet production on economic crops in southern Thailand. Chaiprapat and S. Sdoodee. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. September 2007. PDF (330 K)
- Establishing components of community satisfaction with recycled water use through a structural equation model. Anna Hurlimann et al., Journal of Environmental Management. Available online 27 July 2007. PDF (242 K)
- A holistic framework for design of cost-effective minimum water utilization network. S.R. Wan Alwi et al., Journal of Environmental Management. Available online 20 April 2007. PDF (1070 K)
- Membrane filtration technologies tackle water reuse and purification. Membrane Technology. January 2007. PDF (94 K)
- Recycling industrial saline wastewater for landscape irrigation in a desert urban area. V.J. Gerhart et al., Journal of Arid Environments. November 2006. PDF (226 K)
- Wastewater treatment in dairy industries — possibility of reuse. Baisali Sarkar et al., Desalination. 5 August 2006. PDF (264 K)
- Water reuse in a shrimp processing line: Safety considerations using a HACCP approach. Sandra Casani et al., Food Control. July 2006. PDF (204 K)
- Water shortage drives recycling and reuse markets around the world. Membrane Technology. June 2006. PDF (84 K)
- Water recycling from mixed chromic acid waste effluents by membrane technology. Ines Frenzel et al., Separation and Purification Technology. 1 April 2006. PDF (446 K)
- Reuse of effluent water—benefits and risks. Simon Toze. Agricultural Water Management. 24 February 2006. PDF (132 K)
- Water reuse and health risks — real vs. perceived. S. Toze. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (206 K)
- Operator experience with recycling in Australia. M.H. Muston and A. Wille. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (169 K)
- Integrated concepts in water reuse: managing global water needs. G. Wade Miller. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (391 K)
- Assessing supply risks of recycled water allocation strategies. Joel Stewart. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (361 K)
- Drivers for wastewater reuse: regional analysis in the Czech Republic. B. Janosova et al., Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (1580 K)
- Recycled water—case study: BlueScope Steel, Port Kembla Steelworks. W. Hird. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (1212 K)
- Urban greywater reuse at the D'LUX Development. Murray Goddard. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (206 K)
- Stakeholder communications for successful water reuse operations. S.J. Khan and L.E. Gerrard. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (286 K)
- Challenges in understanding public responses and providing effective public consultation on water reuse. S. Russell and G. Hampton. Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (291 K)
- Membrane bioreactor technology for wastewater treatment and reuse. T. Melin et al., Desalination. 5 February 2006. PDF (349 K)
- Water reuse: A successful almost zero discharge case. R.M.B. Alves et al., Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2006. PDF (337 K)
- Purification of pulp and paper wastewater, with membrane technology, for water reuse in a closed loop. M. Pizzichini, C. Russo and C. Di Meo. Desalination. 10 July 2005. PDF (889 K)
- Reuse of a treated red mud bauxite waste: studies on environmental compatibility. Claudia Brunori et al., Journal of Hazardous Materials. 14 January 2005. PDF (279 K)
- Treatment and recycling of textile wastewater —case study and development of a recycling concept. P. Schoeberl et al., Desalination. 10 January 2005. PDF (1238 K)
- Reclaimed water as an alternative source of water for the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. Akpofure E. Taigbenu and Mthokozisi Ncube. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 2005. PDF (135 K)
- Improving industrial water use: case study for an Indian distillery. N. K. Saha et al., Resources, Conservation and Recycling. January 2005. PDF (119 K)
- Desalination and biological wastewater treatment process. A. Benzaoui and A. Bouabdallah. Desalination. 15 August 2004. PDF (767 K)
- Water resources management in Crete (Greece) including water recycling and reuse and proposed quality criteria. K. P. Tsagarakis et al., Agricultural Water Management. 1 April 2004. PDF (170 K)
- A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse system. Weizhen Lu and Andrew Y. T. Leung. Chemosphere. September 2003.PDF (692 K)
- Greywater reuse: towards sustainable water management. Odeh R. Al-Jayyousi. Desalination. 1 August 2003. PDF (1147 K)
- A feasibility study on the treatment and recycling of a wastewater from metal plating. Jian-Jun Qin et al., Journal of Membrane Science. 1 October 2002. PDF (112 K)
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