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August 09, 2007


-Biodiesel typically takes a couple of days to a week from start to finish to make a batch. Most people making biodiesel make anywhere between 20 to 100 gallons at a time in a batch process.
Here's a breakdown of typical timing intervals from start to finish:
  • Collecting Oil - 1-2 hours
  • Filtering Oil - 1-2 hours (depends on amount of oil)
  • Titration Of Oil - 10-15 minutes
  • Transferring Oil To Processor - 10-20 minutes
  • Heating Oil - 1-4 hours (depends on amount of oil, voltage & wattage of element)
  • Making Methoxide - 5-20 minutes (depends on amount of methanol and catalyst used)
  • Mixing Methoxide Into Oil - 20-30 minutes
  • Mixing Oil & Methoxide - 2-3 hours
  • Settling Oil - 8-10 hours (usually overnight)
  • Draining Glycerine - 5-10 minutes
  • Transferring Biodiesel To Wash Tank - 10-20 minutes
  • First Mist Wash - 2-3 hours
  • Second Mist Wash - 2-3 hours
  • First Bubble Wash - 6-8 hours (usually overnight)
  • Second Bubble Wash - 6-8 hours (usually overnight)
  • Transferring Biodiesel To Drying Containers - 10-20 minutes (depends on amount)
  • Drying Biodiesel - 2 hours to 1 week (depends heavily on weather and amount made)
  • Transferring To Storage Containers - 10-20 minutes (depends on amount)